How to Tell if a Dog Has Fleas

Dog scratching from itchy skin

Fleas are external parasites that depend on a host to survive. Adult fleas can quickly reproduce and if left untreated can lead to other serious diseases or infections for your dog. Being aware of the symptoms of a flea infestation …

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Why Is My Rabbit Losing Weight?

Rabbit with visible weight loss

A rabbit losing weight can be a bad sign, especially if it’s hampering your pet’s daily activities. This leads us to the question, why is my rabbit losing weight? We’re going to discuss the causes of weight loss in rabbits, …

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How to Tell if a Dog Needs Their Glands Expressed

Dog being prepped to have his anal expressed

Blocked anal glands are a dog-related health condition that can be quite uncomfortable. They make it extremely painful for your dog to pass poop. However, these anal glands can be expressed to make the dog comfortable. Keep reading to learn …

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How Long to Use Dog Cone After Surgery?

Dog yawning while wearing a dog cone

If your dog recently had an injury or condition that required surgery, then chances are that you got them a dog cone to aid faster recovery and healing without any complications. The cone clearly isn’t a prime option for your …

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How Do Dogs Get Parvo?

Dog lethargic after being diagnosed with parvo

Parvo is the short form for Canine Parvovirus. It is a deadly and highly infectious virus that attacks a dog’s internal system. While all dogs are at risk of catching this virus, puppies and unvaccinated dogs are more at risk. …

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How to Tell Dog Has UTI

Woman checking if her dog has UTI

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are not uncommon in dogs. Most of the time, this is caused by a bacteria infection. This infection can be quite painful and discomforting to your dog and if left untreated it can lead to worse …

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Why Is My Guinea Pig Sneezing?

Guinea pig about to sneeze

Why is my guinea pig sneezing? You may wonder if you should worry about this, especially if you don’t normally see it happening. For this article, I’m discussing the reasons why your guinea pig sneezes, as well as how you …

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Why Is My Guinea Pig Losing Hair?

Guinea pig with noticeable hair loss

Why is my guinea pig losing hair? You may be wondering this since despite having a care routine, fur still falls out of your pet. There are several potential causes of why guinea pigs suffer from hair loss and what …

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Why Is My Rabbit Sitting in One Spot?

Fully grown rabbit sitting outside the house

Why is my rabbit sitting in one spot? Is this normal, or should you feel worried? It’s essential that you understand the various rabbit behaviors, including the explanations of why rabbits sit in one corner and how you should react …

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Why Is My Hamster Shaking?

Hand stroking a shaking hamster

Hamsters are pretty low-maintenance, yet they also have delicate moments you need to address. For instance, why is my hamster shaking? Learn the reasons why hamsters quiver, including tips on how to control the situation and care for them. Why …

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