Why is My Pet Scratching?

Dr. Joe Alcorn, M.S., D.V.M.

Dr. Joe Alcorn is founder of Care Animal Hospital in Temecula, California. He has a Bachelor of Science in Biology and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from Colorado State University. He is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association and his advice has been featured in large publications like Bustle and Martha Stewart.

Home » Blog » Why is My Pet Scratching?

It may sound silly, but pets scratch because they’re itching. The most common cause of itching and scratching in pets is allergies.

Pet allergies can be food related or environment-related. Food allergies in pets include allergies to gluten, wheat, corn, and other grains. Food allergies can be related to some meat protein sources as well.

Environmental allergies include grasses, trees, shrubs, molds, and house dust mites. Some pets might be scratching because of parasites such as fleas or ticks. Also, some pets are also allergic to their own skin bacteria and yeast.

If your pet has scratching issues, please call us to avail of our services, and we will help find and treat the problem and get your pet comfortable.

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